Access to Tobacco web
To gain access to the tobacco web, please send name and the social security (kennitala) of the company and the employees that will
have access for given company, to
Sales personnel for tobacco log in above to order tobacco. Logging in usses electric ID or Icekey.
Be advised that tobacco is only sold in wholesale to those that have the appropriate licence.
Orders and deliveries
Capital region
Deliveries to customers are once a week at set delivery dates. Order needs to be made a day before the delivery date, and paid no later
then at 8:30 on delivery date. Contact goods handling too get information about delivery dates. Tobacco can not be delivered to
persons under 18 years of age.
Order needs to be made a day before delivery and paid no later then at 08:30 or 13:00 (orders are delivered twice a day). Tobacco can not
be delivered to persons under 18 years of age.
Return Policy
It is possible to return all unopend tobacco, which is considdered whole and not damaged. Closing date for returnals is 30 days after
delivery, with invoice present.
Goods handling
Stuðlahálsi 2, 110 Reykjavík | Sími: 560-7720. Sales department is open: mon-thur 8:30 - 15:30 og fri 8:30 - 16:00.